Teacher Case Study: Beth Kniel

Kindergarten Teacher Beth Kniel used the Vehicle Design performance task.

A Defined STEM Learning Experience From:
Beth Kniel 
Kindergarten Teacher
Berrian Elementary (IL)

Performance Task:
Vehicle Design (K)

Here’s What We Did:
I started the project off discussing different forms of transportation, use, how they work, etc.  During reading time children got the opportunity to create a form of transportation out of shape blocks.  I had the Defined STEM informational text available to look at to help spark ideas.  I created design booklets from graph paper and students were able to copy their designs.  Each child chose one form of transportation to research and write about. At the conclusion, we had a writing celebration with our 2nd grade buddy class and each child shared his/her report/design.

Why Defined STEM Was the Perfect Fit:
The students loved the project!  It was a wonderful vocabulary opportunity, as well as problem solving and cooperation. Students helped each other and were eager to read and write to gain information about their transportation of choice. Some of my most reluctant learners were the most engaged and motivated by this project.

It was fun to watch them explore their creativity, problem solve and adapt with little guidance from the teacher.  It was wonderful for self-esteem and showing them how reading and writing can be educational and fun.