Teacher Case Study: Kathleen Sweet

Starmont Elementary School (IA)

A Defined STEM Learning Experience From:

Kathleen Sweet

K-5 Gifted & Talented Teacher

Starmont Elementary School (IA)

Performance Tasks:

Kindergarten, Weather & Climate

1st Grade, Seed to Plant

2nd Grade, Egypt

3rd Grade, Backpack Design, Skateboard Park & Floral Design

Here’s What We Did:

We used Defined STEM all year long. The students did all of the tasks in each of the thematic units. In my 3rd grade class, the students could pick the topic that interested them most from the three I chose from Defined STEM. This helped the students take ownership of their learning and stay motivated.

The students were very engaged and excited about the projects and they held the students’ interest all year. Students presented their work at the end of the year. Parents and staff were impressed by these presentations and how much these young students had learned.

Why Defined STEM Was the Perfect Fit:

Defined STEM made it possible to have a theme for students to stay focused on for a full year. The units provide so many activities and tasks around one topic, yet incorporated so many different subjects, that the students didn’t get bored.