Teacher Case Study: Adrian Hammond

5th grade Math, Science, and STEAM Teacher Adrian Hammond used the School Lunch Operations: Healthy Ice Cream performance task.

A Defined STEM Learning Experience From:
Adrian Hammond
Fifth-Grade Math, Science, and STEAM Teacher
Boiling Springs Intermediate School (SC)

Performance Task:
School Lunch Operations: Healthy Ice Cream

Here’s What We Did:
Who doesn't like ice cream? I used this challenge as a cumulative activity for my students as part of a nutrition unit we explored during their STEAM team class. Students posed as experts working in an ice cream production plant, and used the research provided by Defined STEM to learn about My Plate, 5-2-1-0 campaigns, the job of a local nutritionists, and vital nutrients. Through the research they were able to compare nutrition facts from traditional ice cream, and use problem-solving skills to figure out ingredients that would make the ice cream “healthy.” Meeting government requirements on recommended servings of fruits, vegetables, and protein challenged students to think about nutrition in a different way Students created smoothies with Greek yogurt, fruit, flax seed, and spinach; and were able to drink their creations. 

Why Defined STEM Was the Perfect Fit:
Students were highly motivated to conquer the challenge of creating a healthy ice cream that could be tasty, as well as provide them with vital nutrients. This task fit perfectly in the nutrition unit and allowed students to put their research skills to the test by creating a healthy alternative to a favorite treat.