Teacher Case Study: Lydia Withrow

Horace Mann Middle School (WV)

A Defined STEM Learning Experience From:
Lydia Withrow 
8th Grade English Teacher
Horace Mann Middle School (WV)

Performance Task: 
Backpack Design

Here’s What We Did:
I formatted this lesson as a class competition for best backpack design. Students started by viewing the videos and materials on the Defined STEM performance task. We went in depth talking about skills needed to design a backpack and materials that could be used. I let them surf the web to search for any unique backpack designs they might like and model theirs after. Students transformed white sheets of paper into colorful ergonomic designs including windows, speakers, wheels, and straps. The posters hung in the hallway for all to see, and the administration voted on who had the best design. 

Why Defined STEM Was the Perfect Fit:
What I love most about the Defined STEM tasks is the natural incorporation of all subjects. As an English teacher I am often trying to fit math, engineering, and science skills into my lessons. This was a perfect example of design and engineering used in my ELA curriculum. I always find students are more motivated when there’s a bit of competition involved. This task tested my student’s individual creativity while opening their minds to new career paths.