Teacher Case Study: Jaymes Urban

7th grade Science teacher Jaymes Urban used the Environmental Club: Sustainability performance task.

A Defined STEM Learning Experience From:

Jaymes Urban

7th Grade Science

Bicentennial North (AZ)

Performance Task:


Here’s What We Did:

I used the sustainability performance task to wrap up a unit on the environment and the impact humans have on it. Students researched ways in which other schools have become more sustainable and ''greener.'' Students then developed a brochure explaining how they would make our school more sustainable. Next, students drew up blueprints of the school with the implemented ideas for making the school more sustainable. They eventually created a model of the school on a 3D computer program or by hand in the classroom.

Students made contact with tree donation organizations, green organizations, and we even held a video interview with a landscape designer/architect from the Los Angeles area. Students were able to ask questions about how we can realistically make a change in our school and they were able see building and landscape designs from an actual architect. He was nice enough to email his designs to me and I printed individual copies for the students so they could follow along as he discussed them. The project was a huge success.

The students loved the idea of changing the school and making it a more sustainable building. They also added features that they had on their “wish list.” They really enjoyed the interview and presenting their ideas to the architect and to the rest of the class. Being able to use technology such as computers, tablets, and their own personal devices kept the students motivated.

Why Defined STEM Was the Perfect Fit:

The unit was mapped out for me and provided specific examples, videos, and resources for the students to use which made research and instruction much easier for both me and the students.