Extended Learning
In this section of the PD Center you can find resources connected to professional learning. Find materials that will provide more in-depth information connected with educational concepts and the application of these concepts through Defined STEM. These resources can help facilitate group and independent conversations and learning tied to pedagogy.

Understanding by Design (UbD)

Understanding by Design

UbD offers a planning framework to guide curriculum, assessment and instruction with a focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and transfer. Defined STEM provides sets of performance tasks, literacy tasks and constructed responses in which students engage in "real world" applications of key concepts and skills. In Jay McTighe's whitepaper, he describes the complementary connections between Understanding by Design and Defined STEM.

Key Ideas of UbD

The two key ideas of Understanding by Design are contained in its title: 1) focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and transfer, and 2) design curriculum "backward" from those ends.

UbD is based on seven key tenets:

  • UbD is a way of thinking purposefully about curricular planning, not a rigid program or prescriptive recipe.
  • A primary goal of UbD is developing and deepening student understanding: the ability to make meaning of learning via "big ideas" and transfer learning.
  • Understanding is revealed when students autonomously make sense of and transfer their learning through authentic performance. Six facets of understanding the capacity to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empathize, and self assess -serve as indicators of understanding.
  • Effective curriculum is planned "backward" from long-term desired results though a three-stage design process (Desired Results, Evidence, Learning Plan). This process helps to avoid the twin problems of "textbook coverage" and "activity-oriented" teaching in which no clear priorities and purposes are apparent.
  • Teachers are coaches of understanding, not mere purveyors of content or activity. They focus on ensuring learning, not just teaching (and assuming that what was taught was learned); they always aim - and check - for successful meaning making and transfer by the learner.
  • Regular reviews of units and curriculum against design standards enhance curricular quality and effectiveness.
  • UbD reflects a continuous improvement approach to achievement. The results of our designs - student performance - inform needed adjustments in curriculum as well as instruction.

Defined STEM Reinforcement of UbD

Defined STEM reinforces these tenets and supports the Understanding by Design framework for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Through the utilization of performance tasks and related resources, Defined STEM reflects the educational strategies of STEM education and project-based learning. Real-world videos set the stage for each learning experience by showing the practical application of educational concepts within an industry and/or organizational context. Performance tasks built around the demands of specific careers/industries ask the students to apply knowledge and skills in authentic situations. Literacy tasks encourage students to read, synthesize and write informative and/or position papers around the real-world issues. Tasks set in an international context give learners opportunities to explore challenges and opportunities with global implications.

Performance Tasks Connected With NextGen Standards: High School Physical Science/Chemistry

Task Standard Alignment
Chemical Engineer: Carbon Fiber (11) HS-PS1-2
Paint Processing Engineer: Chemical Processes (11) HS-PS1-2
Fire Hazard Research Team: Materials Scientist (11) HS-PS1-5
Process Engineer: Robotic Welding (10) HS-PS1-5
Civil Engineer: Runway Development (11) HS-PS2-6
Manufacturing Analyst: Carbon Fiber (12) HS-PS2-6
Structural Engineer: Bridges (11) HS-PS2-6
Sunglass Manufacturer (11) HS-PS4-1
Satellite Communications Engineer (12) HS-PS4-2
Astronomer (9) HS-PS4-3
Online Space Weather Business (9) HS-PS4-5
Satellite Analyst: Doppler Effect HS-PS4-5
Accident Scene Investigation (11) HS-PS2-1
Automotive Materials Engineer (11) HS-PS2-3
Automobile Efficiency Expert (12) HS-PS2-3
Industrial Engineer (Solar Power) (9) HS-PS3-3
Wind Turbine Technician (11) HS-PS3-3

Performance Tasks Connected With NextGen Standards: High School Life and Environmental Science

High School Environmental Science PDF
Performance Task Standard
Paleontology (10) HS-LS4-1
Agricultural Lobbyist (10) HS-LS4-3
Grain Farmer (11) HS-LS4-3
Zoologist (10) HS-LS4-5
Project Analyst: The Xayaburi Dam (12) HS-LS4-5
Ecologist: Invasive Species (10) HS-LS4-5
Systems Engineer: Ballast Water & Invasive Species (10) HS-LS4-5
Genealogist (9) HS-LS3-1
Forensic Scientist (10) HS-LS3-3
Microbiologist: Alternative Energy (9) HS-LS1-5
Chernobyl Tour Operator (12) HS-LS2-4
Forester (10) HS-LS2-5
Microbiologist: Biofuels (12) HS-LS1-5
Forensic Entomologist (11) HS-LS2-3
Public Relations Associated with a Dental Appliance (10) HS-LS1-2
Wildlife Management Spec.: Genetic Connectivity (9) HS-LS3-2
App Developer: Athletics and Body Systems (7) MS-LS1-3
Naturalist: Monarch Butterflies (8) MS-LS2-1

Performance Tasks Connected With NextGen Standards: High School Earth Science

High School Earth Science PDF
Performance Task Standard
Civil Engineer: Urban Heat Islands (9) HS-ESS3-5
Urban Ecologist (10) HS-ESS3-5
Crop Doctor (9) HS-ESS2-2
Water Treatment Specialist (10) HS-ESS2-2
Earth Scientist (9) HS-ESS2-3
Flood Control Specialist (9) HS-ESS2-5
Hydrologist (10) HS-ESS2-5
Structural Engineering: Earthquake Resistant (12) HS-ESS1-5
Online Space Weather Business (9) HS-ESS1-1
Satellite Analyst: The Doppler Effect (12) HS-ESS1-4
Carbon Fiber: Carbon Fiber (12) HS-ESS2-6
Tunnel Team (10) HS-ESS3-1
Astronomer (9) HS-ESS1-3
Coastal Geologist (9) HS-ESS2-2

ELA Product Connections

ELA Product Connections PDF
Oral Written Multimedia
  • Newscast
  • Role Play
  • Debate
  • Oral Presentation
  • Oral Presentation with Multimedia
  • Newscast
  • Podcast
  • Oral History
  • Sales Pitch
  • Interview
  • Skit/Rap
  • Radio Advertisement
  • Waiting Room Presentation with Audio
  • Sales Pitch
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Technical Report
  • Environmental Impact Study
  • Research Paper
  • Biological Assessment
  • Journal
  • Atlas with maps
  • Editorial
  • Letter
  • Abstract
  • Magazine Article
  • Literary Review
  • Persuasive Paper
  • Press Release
  • Newspaper Article
  • Business Proposal
  • Script
  • Poem
  • Policy Paper
  • Narrative Story/ Short Story
  • Position Papers
  • Blog
  • Informational Webpage
  • Cost Analysis
  • Newscast
  • Virtual Field Trip
  • Television Advertisement
  • Radio Advertisement
  • Webcast
  • Podcast
  • Oral Presentation with Multimedia
  • Sales Pitch
  • Demonstration
  • Webpage
  • ePortfolio with Audio
  • Radio Advertisement
  • Waiting Presentation with Audio
  • Brochure

Performance Tasks and Associated Language Tasks linking STEM and Social Studies

STEM and Social Studies PDF

Defined STEM: Performance Tasks and Associated Language Tasks linking STEM and Social Studies: Performance Tasks and associated Constructed Response (Gr. 6) and Informational and Argumentative Language Tasks

Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2
  • Weather Reporter
  • Astronomer
  • Reporter
  • Grocery Store Manager
  • Safety and Design: Building a New Town
  • Smart Products, Smart Consumers
  • A Sister City
  • Egyptian Museum
  • Family Culture
  • Farmers and the Economy
  • Housing and Culture
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
  • Floral Designer
  • Naturalist: Monarch Butterflies
  • Skateboard Park Advocate
  • World Regions
  • Museum Exhibit: Volcanoes and Humans
  • Planning Commission: Urban Heat Islands
  • Transportation Engineer: Maglev Trains
  • Business of Farming
  • Community Leader: Electronics Recycling Advocate
  • Earth Scientist: Alternative Energy
  • Structural Engineer: Bridges
  • Arborist: Urban Tree Canopy
  • Civil Engineer: Runway Development
  • Civil Engineer: Water Treatment
  • Energy Management Consultant
  • Forester
  • Fuel Efficient Cars
  • Historian: Shipwreck
Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9
  • Artificial Island Real Estate Agent
  • Genealogical Research
  • Geologist: Vulcanology and Mt. St. Helens
  • Industrial Designer: Skateboard Park
  • Weather Scientist
  • Wind Turbine Technician
  • Zoologist
  • Backpack Designer
  • Chamber of Commerce: Automobile Industry
  • Community Advocate: Fracking
  • Environmental Scientist: Fracking
  • Farm-to-Table Restaurant Entrepreneur
  • Historian: Shipwreck
  • Refuge Ranger: Birds
  • Wildlife Biologist: Bats
  • Agriculture Consultant
  • Climatologist
  • Environmental Club: Sustainability
  • Prosthetics and Charitable Works
  • Publicist: Department of Transportation
  • Wind Farmer
  • Coast to Coast Trip: Travel Agent
  • Civil Engineer: Urban Heat Islands
  • Computer Manufacturer
  • Crop Doctor
  • Earth Scientist
  • Environmental Economist: Recycling
  • Flood Control Specialist
  • Genealogist
  • Regional Transportation & Railroad Director
  • Transportation Engineer: Genetic Connectivity
  • Coastal Geologist
Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
  • Agricultural Lobbyist
  • Architect: Using Ancient Design Principles
  • Civil Engineer: Water Treatment
  • Tunnel Team
  • Waste Management Consultant
  • Water Treatment Specialist
  • Wildlife Researcher: Reintroduction
  • Zoologist
  • Automobile Engineer: Fuel Efficiency
  • City Planner
  • Civil Engineer: Runway Development
  • Grain Farmer
  • Marine Engineer: Building an Underwater ROV
  • Nuclear Energy Scientist
  • Pirate Captain: Privateer
  • Scientific Researcher: Government Policy
  • Structural Engineer: Bridges
  • Automobile Efficiency Expert
  • Chernobyl Tour Operator
  • Green Construction
  • Healthcare Analyst
  • Microbiologist: Biofuels
  • ROV's and Maritime Policy
  • Project Analyst: The Xayaburi Dam and the People Downstream
  • Hydroelectric Engineer: The Xayaburi Dam Project and the People of Laos

Defined STEM: Chemistry Tasks

Chemistry Tasks PDF

Physical Science/Chemistry

Performance Task Standard
Chemical Engineer: Carbon Fiber (11) HS-PS1-2
Paint Processing Engineer: Chemical Processes (11) HS-PS1-2
Fire Hazard Research Team: Materials Scientist (11) HS-PS1-5
Process Engineer: Robotic Welding (10) HS-PS1-5
Civil Engineer: Runway Development (11) HS-PS2-6
Manufacturing Analyst: Carbon Fiber (12) HS-PS2-6
Structural Engineer: Bridges (11) HS-PS2-6
Sunglass Manufacturer (11) HS-PS4-1
Satellite Communications Engineer (12) HS-PS4-2
Astronomer (9) HS-PS4-3
Online Space Weather Business (9) HS-PS4-5
Satellite Analyst: Doppler Effect HS-PS4-5
Accident Scene Investigation (11) HS-PS2-1
Automotive Materials Engineer (11) HS-PS2-3
Automobile Efficiency Expert (12) HS-PS2-3
Industrial Engineer (Solar Power) (9) HS-PS3-3
Wind Turbine Technician (11) HS-PS3-3

Working Through a Performance Task Student Work Flow

Student Work Flow PDF
  1. 1. Read, View and Analyze the problem scenario. NGSS SP 1

    • Review the Video resources
    • Review Goal, Role, Audience, Situation
    • Discuss within your group what is important and why
    • Take notes on group discussion identifying thoughts and ideas
    • Complete Informational Language Task/Constructed Response (This can be done prior to video and performance task introduction or after)

    Teacher Checkpoint: Check for understanding of what is known, information gained from the Informational Language Task/Constructed Response, and the problem statement.

  2. 2. (Inquiry) Developing questions for research. NGSS SP 3

    • Prepare a list of questions you think need to be answered to solve the problem.
      • Some may be about the goal
      • Some may be about the audience
      • Some may be about the situation
      • Some may be about the products
  3. 3. (Research & Collaboration) Planning, Investigating, and Analyzing. NGSS SP 3, 8

    • List actions to be taken to answer questions: e.g., question an expert, get on-line data and/or information, visit library, conduct experiments, etc.
    • Conduct research
    • Share research and answers to questions with the group
    • Based on your analysis of the research, list recommendations, solutions, and/or decide best way to move forward.

    Teacher Checkpoint: Once you have completed your research, review your group's findings with the teacher before moving forward to constructing the solution/product.

  4. 4. (Collaboration) Construct Solutions/Products. NGSS SP 4, 6, 7

    • Completing the Argumentative Language Task (Optional) at this point will require students to look at the task from multiple lenses.
    • Prepare a product(s) in which you provide solutions, make recommendations, predictions, inferences, or other appropriate needs based upon the products you are creating.
    • Consider multiple products and their purpose for the audience
  5. 5. (Presentation and Reflection) Present findings. NGSS SP 6, 7, 8

    • Present your product(s) and/or presentation to the audience.
    • Be prepared to support your decisions and the products you have developed with evidence to justify and support your findings and beliefs.
    • Reflect on products based upon self, audience and/or teacher feedback

    Teacher Checkpoint and Product Rubrics: Check for understanding through products produced and alignment with product rubrics. Students should reflect on the purpose and focus for development of the products. Were the requirements met and was the problem statement addressed?

Performance Tasks Connected with C3 Modules

Performance Tasks Connected with C3 Modules PDF
College, Career, and Civic Life Modules Performance Tasks
The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire Structural Engineering: Earthquake Resistant Buildings (12)
The Golden Gate Bridge Project Structural Engineer: Bridges (11)
The Purpose of Dam Construction during the 1930's
  • Hydroelectric Engineer: The Xayaburi Dam Project and the People of Laos (12)
  • Project Analyst: The Xayaburi Dam and the People Downstream (12)
Welding and Shipbuilding During World War II Process Engineer: Robotic Welding (10)
The Space Race of the 1960's Mars Rover (10)
To the Moon
  • Industrial Aerospace Designer (8)
  • NASA Engineering Consultant: Crew Vehicle (7)
  • Mars Transportation Consultant (6)
The Dust Bowl and Human Migration Hydrologist: Helping Farmers during the Dust Bowl of the 1930's (10)
The Wright Brothers and the First Flight Aircraft Designer (8)
Mass Production: Revolutionizing the Assembly Line Manufacturer: Assembly Lines (6-8)